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[Infographic] 2019 State of Influence: Beauty

Nov 1, 2019

We recently published our 2019 State of Influence: Beauty report which was created using Influencer Market Benchmark (IMB), our technology platform which analyzes the performance of influencer generated content mentioning brands in a given market. The report was designed to provide market insights for the beauty space and help brands navigate the best influencer marketing practices.

In the report, we decode some of the top influencer marketing strategies that brands utilize. For example, we stress the importance of a diverse tiering strategy. Top performing brands utilize the full spectrum of influencer tiers. Not all top or VIP influencers are performing as well as you might think.

We thought it might be useful to pull out some of the main points of the report and bring them to life in this handy infographic!

Infographic - 2019 State of Influence: Beauty
Infographic - 2019 State of Influence Beauty (click to download)

It's important to be deliberate when growing your influencer marketing program. Why? You'll note that some of the top performing brands in our benchmark have thoughtfully scaled their programs and are now performing even better than brands who activate a comparable number of influencers.

Ready to learn other top influencer marketing strategies we've decoded in the full report? Dive in and download it here.


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