Influencer Payments

Automate Influencer Payments

Let Traackr handle your influencer payment processes including tracking and tax compliance so you can focus on scaling your paid partnerships.

Reduce payment costs

Eliminate outsourcing fees or manual work with our automated payment solution. Manage all your payments from a centralized secure place.

Send payments across the globe

Easily pay influencers wherever they are with automated fund transfers in 215+ countries & currencies.

Improve influencer experience

Pay your influencers faster, often as quickly as in one business day, and streamline payment-related communications by getting rid of complex procurement processes.

Track every payment

Track status of each influencer payment owed, see a history of every payment made, and keep a tab on your campaign spend as a whole.

Set up approval processes

Make sure your internal financial policies are easily followed by setting up a payment approval process. Input value limits, minimum approvers required, and assign team members as approvers for them to receive an email when a payment requires approval.

Ensure tax compliance

Streamline creator tax onboarding (W-9 & W-8 BEN) and filing (1099 & 1042-S) with automated form collection, validation, withholding calculations, payouts, and year-end tax reporting.

Ready to take your influencer marketing to the next level?