Last month we launched our podcast The Fast Traack; micro conversations all about elevating our influencer marketing skills. In Episode 4, we speak to Lauren Thermos, Director, Global Integrated Media & Marketing Strategy, Revlon. This episode is hosted by Evy (Wilkins) Lyons, VP of Marketing for Traackr.
In this episode of The Fast Traack podcast, we posed the question: How can you evolve your influencer marketing strategy over the next few months to ensure you can rebound successfully as we come back from COVID-19?
In conclusion: Take this time as an opportunity to pause, revisit your strategy and try your best to plan for what the future holds. Use data to make sure you’re working with the right influencers so that moving forward, you’re allocating your budget in the best possible way. Go back to basics, look at your business objectives, and see how influencers fit into those roles.
Listen up and let us know what you think in the comment section below.
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