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[eBook] Real-life Influencer Marketing Insights from 24 Top Brands & Influencers

Oct 6, 2016

In the minute it will take you to read the next few paragraphs, a full 300 hours of YouTube content will get created (Statistic Brain). In this frenzied media landscape, customers need content they can trust. And where do they turn for that? Influencers.

For our new eBook, Influencer Marketing In Real Life, we did something drastically different. We invited 24 top influencers and brand marketers to lunch to discuss how to improve our shared craft. Conversations took place. Connections were made. Exclusive insights were shared, like how to more effectively match a brand with a set of target influencers. And how to then actually get these influencers to participate and respond to outreach.

Included in this piece are some of the biggest secrets discussed that day for cutting through the noise and connecting with customers. Here’s the biggest secret of all: what works IRL, works online.

Could influencer marketing really be so obvious?  

In this eBook, you’ll get a sneak peek at top issues discussed from both sides of the influencer marketing equation including:

  • Part 1: How to Match Your Brand with the Right Influencers
  • Part 2: How to Build Influencer Relationships
  • Part 3: How to Inspire your Influencers to Participate
  • Part 4: How to Deepen Influencer Relationships

Here’s a taste of what you’ll find inside:

“It has to be fun, and just genuinely interesting. If we’re going to do this - let’s do something remarkable.”  

  • Robert Rose, Consultant, Content Marketing Institute  [Tweet This]

“It will help tremendously if you can clearly define your passion, subject matter expertise, and the audience you would target.”

  • Michael Brenner, CEO, Marketing Insider Group [Tweet This]

“You want to know if the audience trusts your influencer, values the content, and whether it (the content) resonates with your target audience.”

  • Andrew Davis, Founder, Monumental Shift [Tweet This]

“The thing that inspires me most isn’t the brand: It’s the people who are part of the brand.”

  • Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs [Tweet This]

“A person doing outreach becomes instantly more credible if they demonstrate their knowledge of the influencer.”

“I feel more of a loyalty to a company that shows they want to build a relationship rather than just drop in for some sounds bites from time to time.”

  • Carlos Hidalgo, CEO & Principal, Annuitas [Tweet This]

“Shared values and goals are important as well as appreciation for the work, whether it's through recognition, compensation or a combination of the two.”

“Do I know the brand and am I a fan? If the answer is no, I’m happy to listen but won’t associate my name or my company’s to a marketing initiative.”

“There are multiple ways to engage and activate influencers. I'd categorize it in three ways: paid vs. organic vs. hybrid. Each model has its pros and cons”

  • Pam Didner, Senior Marketing Consultant [Tweet This]

“As an influencer, my golden rule is: I don’t promote any brands that I normally wouldn’t do business with or buy from.”

  • Carlos Gil, Global Head of Social Media, BMC [Tweet This]

“We want deep, impactful relationships with our network of brands over a fleeting relationship with many.”

  • Joe Pulizzi, CEO, Content Marketing Institute [Tweet This]

“For long-term relationships, the influencer should serve as an extension of the brand’s in-house team, and should be in the loop on big marketing and communications programs even if they don’t involve influencers.”

  • Jay Baer, President, Convince & Convert [Tweet This]

Are you ready to unlock the influencer marketing secrets that will lead to brand dominance? To get started, download the full eBook here.

Influencer Marketing in Real Life


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