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Brand Storytelling With Influencers - Tips from Amex

Jul 5, 2015

Mona Hamouly, VP of Social Media Comms at Amex, talks influencer campaigns for Adweek.

On influencer strategy, Hamouly says...

We like to use influencers to showcase the way card members use our products in their everyday lives…they are often telling our brand story in more interesting ways than we are.

When it comes to choosing those influencers, she tells us that “a lot of that starts with listening…to the conversation around our brand with several tools measuring volume, sentiment and what people are talking about most.”

For example, a few months ago the company launched #MyAmex, in which six such influencers took control of the company’s Instagram account (images throughout this post). Hamouly says that the campaign focused on “showing how they are interacting with the card: buying morning coffee, using miles for business trips, etc.”


Brand Storytelling With Influencers

Telling your brand story with influencers is a great strategy. Influencers can help share your messages in ways that resonate with your customers and audience, because they are actually using your product.

The most important part of brand storytelling with influencers is finding the right people to spread your messages in the right ways. One of the first steps to discovering influencers who can move the needle for your organization is to follow your customers' path to purchase.

You'll learn your customers' influencer touchpoints - to whom and when they are going for information. This will help you understand the people who play a role in your customers' decision process, so you can begin to develop successful influencer programs and partnerships that make direct impact.

Hamouly offers 10 more do's and don'ts for influencer marketing.


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