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5 Step Action Plan for Influencer Marketing

Nov 25, 2013

We’ve seen demand for influencer marketing increase tremendously over the last 12 months as businesses are looking to engage in online conversations that impact them. On the agency side, our partners have experienced the same explosion of needs coming from their clients who are seeking new ways to be relevant in a digital world.

Recently, we started a partnership with LEWIS PR, the global PR and digital communications agency, to support and enhance its data-driven influencer strategies. Through our partnership, LEWIS will be able to identify, engage and nurture the most important people for their work, turning insights into action for their clients. I talked to Stephen Corsi, Senior Vice President at LEWIS PR about our partnership and he said:

“Over the last couple of years, we have invested significantly in new digital solutions. By rolling out Traackr worldwide we will be able to identify target themes, focus in on key influencers and then proactively monitor in real-time. This agreement accelerates LEWIS’ goal in becoming one of the most data smart communication agencies in the world.”

The key here is that it’s essential for communicators to know the people and content that matter most to a conversation, which is why we're very excited to support LEWIS’ innovative and strategic work in influencer relations.

We got to talking with the team at LEWIS about how today’s version of influencer marketing is still a new concept that has just recently started to develop into a more sophisticated practice. That why we teamed up with LEWIS to create A Framework for Influencer Marketing. We collectively looked at successful influencer marketing programs and broke them down into an at-a-glance 5-Step Action Plan you can follow.

It always starts by defining your audience and discovering the right influencers. In every successful program, there's a listening component where you extract insights that help you decide who to reach out to and how to get them involved in your brand stories. Finally, the influencer work that outperforms the rest always includes measurement and refining based on analytics.

Check out the framework and let us know what you think!

5-step Influencer Marketing Action Plan


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