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Traackr Invests in User Upskilling and Onboarding with the Launch of Its Online Academy

Sep 30, 2020

We are proud to announce the launch of the Traackr Academy. The Traackr Academy includes a full set of online training resources covering all aspects of our application and will be a key asset both for our new users and for existing users who want to deepen their expertise on the platform.

Traackr Academy is designed for both new and long-time Traackr users.

This new launch is a key building block in the development of Traackr as the leading global influencer technology for enterprises. It coincides with the increased sophistication of the Traackr platform as our roadmap accelerates to meet the ever expanding needs of the global enterprise. It also reflects the global expansion of our client list and the increasing size of the programmes and user bases leveraging the Traackr platform for their influencer programmes.  This new capability will also further facilitate a remote customer interaction model and reinforce the role of our teams of experts as a strategic partner to our customers.

The Traackr Academy has been conceived and created for Traackr users, by our Customer Success experts, building on our extensive experience in training and supporting customers with their influencer programmes over the past 10 years.

Customised training journeys provide new users with the most relevant onboarding content based on specific use cases and expectations. With more than 5 hours of video content, the Traackr Academy is also a unique source of in-depth resources for the expert user who is looking to reinforce their knowledge on specific features of Traackr. Regular updates along with the release of new features will provide ongoing upskilling resources and enable users to best leverage the platform as it evolves and supports new use cases.

With over 5 hours of video content, Traackr Academy covers all aspects of the Traackr platform.

The Traackr Academy provides an efficient and flexible set of resources for users: Each training journey has been broken down into specific modules of short videos of less than 5 minutes, providing users with the flexibility to organise their training along their individual working schedule across all time zones. At the company level, project management features such as usage statistics by teams and completion tracking enable new Traackr enterprise clients to manage large scale onboarding projects across multiple teams and countries in shorter time frames.

Traackr Academy's extensive library of use case based training modules deliver everything you need in an efficient and flexible format.

For Traackr’s most advanced experts, the Training Academy will also give us in the near future the possibility to create an official certification programme: an important recognition for influencer marketing experts as the Traackr platform increasingly becomes a requirement in the influencer industry and in job specifications.

More than just an additional support resource, The Traackr Academy will play an integral part in our vision to provide the best and most advanced influencer technology to our users. This new addition to our features complements the expansion of our support capabilities across continents as exemplified by the opening of our new office in Singapore to support our growing base of APAC users and clients. Finally, such capability to onboard and upskill users at scale is a critical part of our objective to enable large global enterprises to run data-driven influencer programmes at scale.

If you’re a current Traackr customer, we welcome you to join Traackr Academy today.

If you’re new to Traackr, we’d welcome the opportunity to learn about your influencer marketing goals and discuss ways we can help. Reach out to schedule time today.


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