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Traackr Integrates Twitch; Expands Influencer Discovery & Analytics to Include Influencers on the Live-Streaming Network

Nov 12, 2018

We’re delighted to announce today that Traackr has now integrated with the gaming platform Twitch to provide content and analytics for influencers on this channel.

Twitch hosts around 15m daily active users, with over two million unique broadcasters streaming content every month. While the platform’s focus has so far been on live-streaming users playing video games, they’ve also started to dip their toes into live sports broadcasts, radio shows and lifestyle streams. We’ve also heard of beauty bloggers beginning to live-stream their tutorials there!

Why should marketers care?

Twitch’s demographics skew mainly to men aged 18-34, a demographic that’s particularly resistant to advertisements and is hard to reach. As Bloomberg pointed out, “The average Twitch user has stopped paying for cable TV and employs technology to block advertising across the internet. But hundreds of thousands of these hard-to-reach viewers tune in daily to watch top video game streamers, such as Ninja, Twitch’s biggest star.”

The platform can be a useful alternative to the female-heavy Instagram for marketers looking to target men, but they need to be careful. With Twitch’s heavy focus on community building and strong personalities, marketers working with influencers need to do so in a very authentic and organic way - any signs of obvious pitches or badly-aligned brand work are likely to go down pretty negatively with viewers.

"Influencer Marketing allows the game industry to reach their target audience in a more authentic and valuable way than traditional advertising, which has taken a huge hit due to ad-blockers. Twitch is one of the most popular websites for gamers to watch influencers and gather news about the latest games and products. Being able to gather the analytics of your Twitch based Influencers is a huge advantage."  - Becky Taylor, VP of Programming, FaZe Clan.

As the social landscape continues to evolve, Twitch also provides influencers and marketers with another way to diversify their online presence and become less reliable on one source. Especially as we hear nearly half of users are tiring of seeing repetitive influencer posts on platforms like Instagram. It’s no secret that influencers’ organic reach continues to drop, and as platforms tweak their algorithms to prioritize certain content, it can make a huge difference to how influencers’ posts perform.

What’s more, for influencers who’ve seen dwindling ad revenues, Twitch also offers them another revenue stream through donations made by viewers watching live streams. CNBC recently explained that the company was trying to help influencers build and sustain their own businesses (Ninja is reported to be earning $350k a month from the site....).  

What can I do?

Here at Traackr, we’ve always been platform-agnostic when it comes to working with influencers and marketers (given the diversity of our clients we work with everything from Instagram to GitHub and Stack Overflow!). Integrating Twitch in too was an obvious step as we heard more and more clients working with influencers on the platform. The latest addition to Traackr is available to everyone now, and allows you to work on the full influencer lifecycle - from finding new influencers on Twitch, to understanding how their audiences are growing, to monitoring all the videos they produce, right through to creating analytics reports based on their performance.

Feel free to get in touch with your client team to discuss Twitch in more detail. As ever, we’d love to hear your thoughts below.


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