Women of all ages should feel represented and valued within the beauty industry. “Mature” women - with lines, wrinkles, gray hair - often get advertised with a plethora of anti-aging products promising to “turn back time” versus embracing their current beauty. So while these mature shoppers have strong buying power, they often don’t feel seen or valued by the beauty industry.
Enter the #Over40 Beauty movement.
This world of #BeautyOver40 celebrates age and provides educational content to look and feel your best. We’ve compiled a list of the top and rising creators within this movement who provide timeless beauty tips, and expert advice tailored for those embracing their fabulous 40s, 50s, and beyond.
To receive a deeper dive into each influencer, download our entire top influencers report.
The Rising and Top Influencers #Over40 in the Beauty Industry:
1. Claudia Fabian @thebeautydebut
2. Gym Tan @californiaistoocasual
3. Sonia Ramos @officiallysoniaramos
4. Sarah James Dorr @whoorl
5. Tennille Murphy @thetennillelife_
6. Meeghan @meegs1717
7. Grece Ghanem @greceghanem
8. Cherie Seaswan @seaswan6
9. Tonia Ranco @rancobeauty
10. Christina Miller @christinadaydreams
11. Laura Summers @mycapwardrobe
12. Sharon Harvey @backtoyoubeauty
Download our full top influencers report to see stats, content, and our analysis on why these influencers are so compelling!
Our goal with this series is to help you discover new potential partners and content styles, so you can make your next influencer marketing campaign the best one yet. See our full archive of top influencer lists to find your next influencer partner.