The Art of Brand & Creator Relationships

Creators are powerful. They’re known to power influencer marketing programs, but they can also influence traditional ad strategy, evolve owned content channels, and help shape a brand’s image and narrative.

Let us show you how to activate this full potential for your brand through one keystone strategy: creator relations.

Join us in person for a half-day conference in London where the brightest influencer marketing minds, creators and special guests will share their insights!

Why you should attend:

  • Deep Dives
    Learn how leading brands and creators are approaching marketing today.
  • Networking
    Exchange ideas, chat about challenges, and make lasting connections with both marketers and creators.
  • Tech Sneak Peek
    Learn what could be coming next in tech, and how to use it to your advantage.
  • Takeaways
    Walk away with best practices, discussion points, and goodies (and maybe some new partners).

Impact London 24 Event
Landing Forty Two,
122 Leadenhall St, London EC3V 4AB

The ultimate gathering of influencer marketing practitioners and program owners!


Meet the Speakers

Firdaous El Honsali

Vice President, Dove Masterbrand Global & North America

Savannah Sachdev

Content Creator,
Pierre-Loïc Assayag

Pierre-Loïc Assayag

CEO and Co-Founder, Traackr

The Art of Brand & Creator Relationships


THE event for creators and brands in London.

You’re guaranteed to make at least one new friend!

  1. Welcome & Introduction
  2. Traackr Keynote
  3. Keynote
  4. Networking Break
  5. Keynote
  6. Panel: Creativity vs Control
  7. Happy Hour